Monday, October 20, 2008

Lead us not into temptation....

It is extremely tempting to call my poor mother, YET AGAIN, to ask for help. The past couple of times I've asked, I've always said I would pay her back on the next paycheck, and yet the next paycheck would come up short. :( I owe my mother so much, and yet she never complains, God love her. She is not really able to help anyway -she's on a fixed income, she has little to no savings. I should be helping her, not the other way around! Praying that I can keep my mouth shut tonight during our nightly phone call. One word about this financial crisis and she will try to see if she can help, and put some money in our checking account. No, no, no, I cannot do it. I cannot keep leaning on her like this, it is just NOT RIGHT.

On another note, still praying that some sort of funds will arrive before Ebay hits our checking account for fees. It is such a vicious cycle - I usually pay my Ebay fees as I go along, but this time we had to use any and all funds from Ebay for groceries in between paychecks, so I fell behind in keeping up with Ebay fees. Ugh, ugh, ugh. If I could postpone it, I would, but I have my Ebay account linked with our check card, and I can't change it to manual billing (or whatever it's called). It's been tempting, too, to update the Ebay billing with a check card from another account that we seldom use, in the hopes that it will be denied and it will buy me some time, but that seems dishonest, too. :(

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