Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Lamp Unto My Feet

As I was in the car going to pick up Molly from preschool, I was struck by a wave of panic. No money for Ebay fees, no money for the water bill - would Ebay try to debit my acccount, and then Bank of America would return it and slap me with a $25 returned item fee? What if we can't pay the water bill by the 27th - when would they turn the water off? On and on and on....what if,what if, what if???? It was at that point that something I read many years ago came to mind. I tried to Google it to get the exact quote, but wasn't able to, so let me paraprhase. It was spoken by Dr. James Dobson, on a Focus on the Family recording about discerning God's will in our lives.

"God said he would be the lamp unto our feet - he did not say that he would be the light shining 100 feet down the track."

That gave me some perspective. So often I get caught up in what's in the future, and get so impatient. And then panic sets in. But our needs have been met for today, through God's grace. There's no reason to panic. God is in control!

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